Das letzte Michaelifest im September 2012 – war ganz im Sinne von „Waldorf one Wold“. Der Erlös kam dem weiteren Ausbau des Waldorfkindergarten IKWEZI LOKUSA – AUFGEHENDER Stern – in Manenberg bei Kapstadt zugute. Fast 5000 € kamen durch Ihre Teilnahme an unserem Fest zusammen. Alle im Kindergarten waren ganz aus dem Häuschen. Hier die Antwort im Original:
To you, parents and friends of the school!
l’m so sorry to hear that you were sick, l wondered why you were so quiet, no reply, nothing and that is not like you, l knew there must be something. l am pleased that you are better now. l believe it must be very cold now in Germany, please try to protect yourselves there from that cold weather.
Wow! good news again, MAY LORD BLESS YOU ALL.
That is huge amount of money again. l truly truly appreciate it, what you gave to us, you will be given more, blessed because you are not doing it for us only but for young helpless young children. We wish you all the best for the next coming years that you are given on this World. Children trust us believe to everything we do for them, therefore we need to be truthfull and strong, which is difficult if we have nothing for meeting their needs. You always answering that to us. This is not for the first time, not 2nd but you always there for this kindergarten, support us making us to give good service to our community. The number of children increased this year a lot, ofcourse we are looking at new room but the process is very slow. We are under impression of looking for the fast solution to solve this problem. Therefore l am asking to use the money on either purchasing more educational equipment i.e tables and chairs, mattresses and more, or purchase the wooden structure to have more space. The classes now are crowded and it is difficult to turn parents back. We have long waiting list for the year.
We thank you all.
With lots and lots of love Zoleka and the staff.